The Environmental Health Center in Dallas, Texas, will even rent you their "safe vacation home" in Jamaica where you can be free of the causes of ES, although the pictures they post on their web site show it to apparently be as full of .... Sandström, M, Lyskov, E, Berglund, A, Medvedev, S, Mild, KH. "Neurophysiological effects of flickering light in patients with perceived electrical hypersensitivity." J Occup Environ Med. 1 Jan. 1997, Volume 39, Number 1: 15-22. ...
(*3) Yevno Fishelevich Azev (Evno Azev)(Lyskovo,ahora Brest Voblast,Belarus,1869-Berlin,24Abr1918),de origen judío, socialista revolucionario y un espía de la policía de la Ojrana. Él era un agente provocador , llevando a cabo actos de ...